dreamerlonely - ~ Creativity and Expression ~
~ Creativity and Expression ~
~ Part 1 ~

by Tom Hess
"Okay Tom, I am finally starting to feel a little more comfortable with the physical aspect of my playing, but I have a hard time being creative. I can't seem to write songs or improvise at the same level as I can play my guitar. Everything I do sounds stiff, or typical and not very creative or expressive. Am I just not a creative person? Is there anything that I can do about this?"
That question is a very typical one that I (and probably most people who have ever taught guitar) am very often asked. Before I go into detail to answer it I need to say that in order to completely overcome such a problem will require one to work at it for a long time. And I strongly suggest working with an excellent teacher to help you through this. He/she will save you a lot of time, effort, aggravation, etc.
(Refer to my previous article on "Choosing A Teacher".)
Most players have, at some time in their musical development, felt uncreative, uninspired or otherwise not very expressive musically. Fortunately, there are several things that can help one get over this. The problem is in being creative and expressive as a musician not as a human being, it is important to recognize the difference. We are all creative and expressive as people (that's a big part of what makes us human). One's perceived lack of creativity and expressiveness is most likely not due to a lack of creativity or expression at all, but rather a lack of fundamental musical skills. Typically the problem is caused by a combination of factors such as those in the following list:
Theory Problems
- Not knowing your fretboard well enough so that you don't need to think about where the notes are as you are playing, improvising and writing music.
- Not having memorized all the notes in the key(s) you're working with.
- Not knowing what notes are in what chords.
- Not knowing what notes are consonant and what notes are dissonant in any given situation (and more importantly, how to control dissonance in theory!)