''Van Halen Dude!!!'' - Air Guitarists Bill and Ted.
This extremely influential guitarist has influenced so many guitarists even to this day. Best known for his work in the band ''Van Halen'', 1978, I don’t think the world was quite ready for the immense air guitar anthem ''Eruption'', a blistering portrait of tremolo picking, legato, crazy whammy bar dive bombs and two hand tapping. Eddie's famous tone was used throughout their debut, described as the ‘'Brown Sound’' that many have tried to emulate but have failed. Eddie basically influenced the whole ‘air guitar’ movement within 1 minute 42 seconds. Also bringing the ''two-hand tapping'' technique into the metal scene, which was previously unheard of in metal/rock music, and now look at how much guitarists apply this technique to their playing, even today.
Eddie actually began playing drums, which he paid for by delivering papers, and his brother, Alex, on guitar. The two would inevitably swap instruments. Some of Eddie’s best work can be found on the albums ‘Van Halen’ and ‘1984’ where he portrays his amazing song writing ability in both rhythm and lead aspects.
Although Eddie isn’t one of the fastest in technical terms, the shredaholic team thought he deserved a place on this site for influencing so many and creating and revolutionising a unique tone and style. He certainly got his sound, as we say ''Tone Perfect''. One of the most highly influential and original guitarists ever, he never changed his playing style to follow trends or ‘ditched solos’ so records could sell, he is the king.