Hello guys and gals
In this lesson I would like to cover what I call Wow! arpeggios.
The Wow! element refers to the tonal quality that can be achieved and does not (as I'm sure you're all thinking) refer to how impressed your mates will be when you play them!
To begin with, I am going to assume that you all know the 3 standard shapes for major and minor triad arpeggios and how to sweep them.
(All of the arpeggios in this lesson utilize sweep picking)
The first arpeggio pattern is an E minor shape starting at the 12th fret of the bottom E string.
The stretch on the top E string may be a little awkward at first but stick with it and you'll be fine.
To achieve the 'Wow' effect you will need to play every note cleanly and accurately and also build up the speed to the required level. Also, try to make the tapped note sound like you are playing it with your normal fretting hand. This is a skill that can improve your ear as well as your technique.

Once you have this pattern down you are ready to progress on to the next patterns.
The second pattern is all based on the first sweep pattern but ascends and descends by step.
Be careful of some of the stretches on the top E string!

Again, aim for absolute clarity and accuracy.
The third and final pattern is a series of arpeggios which are based on Pachelbel's (very famous) Canon.

Remember to take it slow to start with and gradually build up the speed.